2012-10-18 | 19:28:00 | Pretty Little Liars

Someone knows too much?

Why she might be the first to know: Aria is supposed to suffer in the winter season. A lot. And what could cause more suffering than finding out the truth about Toby? First, there would be her internal angst. Should she tell Spencer? The other Liars? And if the "A" team found out she knew the truth, chances are they'd go to extreme measures to keep her quiet. 

Why this would be interesting: One of our biggest beefs with this show is that Aria is often sidelined from the main plot. There have been many times over the course of the series when she's been more focused on drama with her family and/or Ezra  than on what was happening with "A". This would ensure that she's at the center of the action. And we'd be very interested to see how she'd handle this situation.

Why we don't want her to be: As much as we want to see Aria caught up in the midst of the main plot, the fact is that she doesn't have much personal attachment to Toby. Her finding out would involve less of an emotional punch than if it were Spencer or Emily.
Personligen tror jag att Aria kommer att vara den första att få reda på det, det har jag gjort ända sen vi fick veta att någon kommer att få reda på det föra dem andra.


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