2012-09-01 | 15:30:00 |
Pretty Little Liars
♥Teori: Aria är "A"
Här kommer ytterligare några "A"-ria teorier! Men jag har rensat lite så att alla inte står med. [ Källa ]
- Mona may have been texting Alison before she died, but the texts didn't start up again until Aria came back from Iceland.
- In 2x02, Mona called Aria "Big A" (Mona är ju med i A team, Aria kanske är ledaren?)
- In 2x20, Ezra makes plans with Aria to meet at a vegan bistro called Chez Mirabelle, A then relays this information to Byron in a letter. Ezra shows up, as does Byron, but Aria cancels. Perhaps in order to make Byron look like a fool when no one shows up.
- In 2x20, Ezra makes plans with Aria to meet at a vegan bistro called Chez Mirabelle, A then relays this information to Byron in a letter. Ezra shows up, as does Byron, but Aria cancels. Perhaps in order to make Byron look like a fool when no one shows up.
- At the end of 2x25, Mona was visited by someone in a red coat - Aria was the last person seen with Vivian's red coat.
- We were promised that A would be revealed in this episode titled "UnmAsked", yet it's interesting to note that the only person "literally unmasked" was Aria..
- Aria is fully capable of lying to her friends and family, she has done it countless times, even her best friends consider her to be the best liar.
- Aria is the character chosen to the perform the Shh-Face in the opening credits, and in all the official promotional posters - could it be a clue to her perpetual secret?
- Aria is the only Pretty Little Liar that has never been physically threatened by A.
Egen teori: En annan sak som jag har tänkt på är att i avsnittet 'Over My Dead Body' så får tjejerna varsin docka och en uppgift som de måste utföra för att få reda på vart "A" gömmer Dr. Sullivan. Grejen är; Aria misslyckas med sin uppgift, men "A" bryr sig inte om det utan ger koordinaterna till Emily i alla fall! Varför brydde sig inte "A" om utförandet av Arias uppgift?
♥Postat av: MileyHeart
lagt till dig nu! :)
♥Postat av: Selenagomezdailyy
Sv: hahha aa men jag tänkte inte på mig utan en som har frågat mig om jag kan göra en design fast jag har typ 10 som står på kö och därför försöker jag hitta någon annan som kan fixa en till henne.
♥Postat av: Selenagomezdailyy
Sv : Hahah aa jag gör gratis så snäll är jag :) Hahah okej :)
♥Postat av: One Direction fanblogg
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